The Best AI Medical Scribe in 2024

AI scribes are redefining healthcare documentation, offering a blend of accuracy, efficiency, and personalised care. These tools are more than AI Note-takers for medicine, at Heidi, we think AI scribes are the future of medical documentation. This comprehensive guide delves into the key features and considerations when evaluating AI scribes, ensuring healthcare providers can make an informed decision in adopting this cutting-edge technology.

We'll investigate what to look across two key points in the AI medical scribe journey: 1. The input (medical transcription) and 2. The output (AI note-generation).

The input: Analysing Medical transcription in AI scribes

The first part of creating an ai generated medical note is the input - ingesting the context of the consult.

The effectiveness of an AI scribe hinges on its ability to accurately capture and interpret the consultation dialogue. Its critical to look at how good a scribe does at the “input” stage of AI note-taking.

Transcription Accuracy:

Precision in capturing the consultation dialogue is non-negotiable. A robust transcription tool will be able to differentiate subtle nuances, like '15 mg' from '50 mg' not purely from the audio it captures, but instead from the medical knowledge base it is trained on.

Accent Recognition:

An AI scribe must adeptly handle diverse accents & ways of speaking. A scribe worth its code doesn’t stumble over accents, instead it is able to learn, and fine tune over time to handle any vocal input.

Multilingual Support:

Language should not be a barrier in healthcare. A versatile AI scribe can seamlessly switch between languages, catering to diverse patient demographics. Whether it's flipping between Spanish for one patient and English for the next, or ensuring the notes match the language needs of your practice, multilingual support can be critical in certain settings.

Mid-Consult Additions:

Does the AI scribe enable you to add context or notes mid-consultation without disrupting the flow of conversation? This is particularly useful in cases such as mental health, where observations are often not said out loud, but are critical to guide the end note. Other examples include results of physical examinations that aren't spoken, etc.

Other factors

  1. Distraction Management: The AI should remain unfazed by distractions during consultations, maintaining focus on the relevant dialogue.
  2. Long Consultation Handling: The AI scribe should efficiently manage extended consultations without compromising on accuracy.
  3. Dictation Capability: Dictating notes or instructions should be seamless, offering a hands-free experience to the clinicians.

The output: Medical AI Note Generation

The distinguishing factor of an AI scribe doesn't just lie in how it listens, but more importantly, in what it delivers. The output phase—note generation—is where the AI demonstrates its understanding, not just of language, but of the context, relevance, and nuances of medical consultations.

Note Quality:

The mark of a high-caliber AI scribe is evident in the quality of its notes. You don’t just want a formatted transcript, but instead, structured, coherent records that encapsulate the essence of the consultation. High-quality notes capture the dialogue, the unspoken understanding between doctor and patient, and even in some cases the past medical history to translate this into a document that is both comprehensive and comprehensible.

Accuracy and Fidelity:

Accuracy in an AI scribe is not about parroting words; it's about understanding context. The AI must discern the importance of different elements of the conversation, ensuring that the final note doesn't just echo the dialogue in a less verbose way, but instead reflects the consultation's significance.

This involves a sophisticated balance—highlighting critical medical information while filtering out irrelevant chatter. Fidelity is about staying true to the intent of the consultation, ensuring that the documented note is a faithful representation of the actual encounter.

Format and structure

Every clinician has their unique style and preference when it comes to note format. Advanced AI scribes recognise this and offer extensive customisation options. This isn't just about choosing templates; it's about allowing clinicians to tailor their documentation to fit their precise needs and preferences.

Many scribes focus on basic formatting settings (e.g. HOPCS vs SOAP) but its critical to look for precise customisation where possible. Some options include;

  • The structure of the note
  • Layout of specific sections
  • Overall tone
  • Brevity
  • Use of shorthand or clinical jargon


An oft-overlooked ability for medical AI scribes are the ability to echo the clinician's own voice. Over time, the best AI scribes learn and adapt to the individual style of the clinician, ensuring that each note doesn't just convey the right information but does so in a tone that resonates with the clinician's personal touch.

This is where AI transcends its role as a tool and becomes a partner—by providing documentation that is not only accurate and efficient but also distinctly personal. Overtime, a good medical scribe should learn the voice of a clinician to such a degree that no edits are required - down to the syntactical choices, grammar, tone, full stops and commas.

Additional Considerations: Security, Pricing, and Accessibility

When selecting an AI scribe, other factors play a pivotal role in the decision-making process:

Data & Security

When considering AI scribes, its inarguable that data & security should be at the fore. Users looking to adopt these tools should consider;

  • Certifications and compliance standards: (e.g. HIPAA, SOC 2, GDPR, ISO, etc.) Each organisation should have a different approach to measuring data security, but these certifications are signals of a companies commitment to security
  • Data storage: Is data stored locally, or overseas? Is the data stored at all?
  • Training on Data: Are organisations training on the data from consults, and have they given you an option to opt in or out of this practice?


A good scribe should be dynamic and adaptable to different settings. Sometimes a consult room doesn't have access to a computer, a headset, or even a microphone.

Its important to consider whether the scribe tool has a mobile compatible option for ultimate flexibility. It ensures that clinicians have the flexibility to access, edit, and manage their documentation on-the-go, breaking the chains of stationary, desk-bound workflows.


Its important to consider how AI scribes are priced. Some factors that may impact your decision;

  • Free tier: Does the scribe offer a free version? Is it limited by usage or features? We believe the best medical scribe will be free
  • Lock in: Can you pay monthly?
  • Cost: Most scribes sit around $100-$150 USD. Does the AI scribe justify its price?
  • Team pricing / discounts: Are you able to access enterprise pricing & team-based discounts?

Start Your AI Scribe Journey with Heidi

Contemplating an AI scribe for your practice? Start with the World's Best Free AI Medical Scribe - Heidi. Experience the best AI scribe, that seamlessly weaves all of the functionality mentioned above into your daily routine with our free tier.

At Heidi, we're not just building tools; we're shaping the future of AI in healthcare, one consult at a time. All the while, Heidi's AI scribe is has been built with security and compliance at the forefront. Our adherence to standards like ISO 27K certification and HIPAA is not just about meeting regulatory requirements; it's about earning the trust of clinicians and patients alike. Dive into our trust center, and you'll find a transparent display of our commitment to patient privacy and data integrity.

We look forward to seeing you on Heidi.

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