⚠️ In order to integrate with Athena, there are some things to consider.
- we need to turn it on for you, reach out on the Athena marketplace OR get in touch with us via support to have Athena activated.
- you must be on a Together tier plan for it to work (14 day free trial available).
Instantly link Heidi and Athena and one-click push perfect AI-generated clinical notes in one-click into “Assessment” on an Athena patient record. Once connected, you will see your future appointments populated in Heidi.
Just check your patient in, begin your Athena encounter and you’ll be ready to enjoy all Heidi has to offer!
Video demo - how to set up and use Athena integration
How to integrate with Athena
Go to Integrations on the LHS
Navigate to the left-hand side (LHS) menu
Click on "Integrations"
Select Athena from the dropdown
In the integrations section, find the dropdown menu
Choose "Athena" from the list
Enter your practiceID and name
Paste in your practiceID in the field (see below on how to find this)
Add your name, as it is in Athena
Select the correct Athena user
Click “Connect to Athena”
Where to find your Practice ID
Log in to your Athena account
Click on your name, top right corner
Copy the PracticeID from the menu (see below)
How to use the Athena integration:
View your appointment book
Open the Sessions panel on the left hand side menu
Within the Sessions panel, select the Schedule tab
Select the desired day by clicking the Calendar icon (it will default to showing today's sessions)
View the appointments booked for the day
Select the correct patient
Conduct your consultation as normal
Review and edit your Note as needed
When you are ready, click "Push note to Athena"
This will send your note into Assessment under the patient chart
Only patients who are checked in, in Athena and an encounter has been created will have a “Push to Athena” button
Quick guide