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Generating accurate and reliable clinical codes alongside your notes.

Alex Stewart avatar
Written by Alex Stewart
Updated over 2 months ago

Note: Coding is currently restricted to SNOMED in this early preview and may not appear for all users yet. Additional codes are planned in future updates.


Heidi automatically suggests codes for your patient encounters. These suggestions are designed to help you document more efficiently but always review them for accuracy in the context of each patient.

Heidi’s suggested codes appear alongside your documented findings, diagnoses, and plans. Remember, it’s up to you to confirm which ones apply.

How codes are generated

Start by completing an encounter as you normally would.

After Heidi processes your text, it automatically generates related codes in the background. You’ll see a progress indicator (e.g., “Generating codes”).

Once code generation finishes, the total count of suggested codes displays. Click it to open the Review codes sidebar.

Viewing codes

In the Review codes sidebar:

  • Each code appears as a card, listing its name and ID.

  • Codes are sorted into tiers (e.g., High relevance, Medium relevance, or Low relevance).

  • Clicking the code’s info icon shows more details about it.

  • Clicking the transcript icon reveals the exact part of your note that triggered the suggestion.

Confirming codes

Confirm individual codes by checking the box on each relevant code.

As you confirm codes, the indicator changes color from red to orange to green to reflect your progress.

  • Red: no codes have been confirmed

  • Orange: codes are partially confirmed

  • Green: all codes are confirmed

Use "Confirm all" if they all apply.

Confirmed codes are added to the bottom of your note. You can click them there if you need to revisit details or make changes.

Code specification & evidence

To learn more about a suggested code:

  • Select the info icon to see a short definition and synonyms (the “specification”).

  • Select the transcript icon to see exactly where in your encounter notes Heidi identified the code’s keywords or concepts.

Replacing & adding codes

If a suggested code isn’t suitable, hover over it, click Replace, then use the search bar to find a better option.

Add a new code if one you need isn’t on the list. Choose Add new code, search for what you need, and apply it.

You can view any code’s specification before confirming it.

Removing a code

If a suggested code isn’t relevant, hover over it and select Remove from list.

Confirm your choice in the pop-up. Removing a code only affects the coding list; your original note text remains unchanged.

Opt-out of coding

If coding doesn’t suit your workflow, you can opt out from the Memory page under Clinical coding. (This option may not yet be available to every user in the early preview.)

Feedback and support

If you have questions or feedback, reach out to the Heidi team—we'd love to hear from you!

You can also add coding-specific feedback contributions here. During the SNOMED early preview, any feedback you have for our team will be immensely valuable.

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