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📓 How do I use Heidi?
📓 How do I use Heidi?

Some of the basics of how to use Heidi in and a brief intro to the tools.

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Written by Heidi Support
Updated over a week ago

How do I use Heidi?

  1. Transcribe: Choose transcribe then press ‘Start transcribing’. and have your session with your patient as per normal. You can add any additional information about the patient under the “Context” section. Once you’re finished with your patient, click 'Stop transcribing'. You can resume transcribing at any time.

  2. Dictate: Choose dictate then press "Start Dictating" this is great for taking notes or writing letters, it's best to use Transcribe for Patient consults.

    1. Dictate will make an initial note with a dictate template there are only 2 to choose from at the moment, any secondary notes you create using Dictate are a Pro Action

  3. Choose a template: Heidi will prompt you to select a template to format your notes in. You can set a default template if you don’t want to be asked every time. Once your notes have generated, you can change the template until you find one that suits your needs. Watch this video here for a tutorial on how to set a default template.

    1. Default templates will only apply if you have chosen the Transcribe feature.

  4. Customise: Heidi Templates allow you to customise the output to best suit your use case. There is so much you can do with templates, think of your 5 most used documents and make a template for them - the key is experiment, and iterate until it suits you. You can further customise the Heidi experience by your Preferences, and Memory.

  5. Create: Once you’re happy with your notes, you can click “Create a document” to create any additional materials based on your notes, such as patient explainers or referral letters.

  6. Memory & Preferences: Explore the Memory, and preferences on the left hand side of Heidi to assure you have it set up right for you!

📣 Watch a full tutorial on how Heidi works here!

Note Templates

Note templates are used for creating notes on Heidi. Note templates specify the different sections you want your note to have, the type of information you want under each section, and the general formatting of the note.

We have provided the most common note templates for you on Heidi, as well as some additional templates created especially for your specialty. These note templates are free to use, however, if you edit or make your own templates use of these are limited as Pro Actions.

📣 Read more about note templates here!

Document Templates

Document templates are used for creating additional materials from your note, such as referral letters and patient explainers. Heidi will provide document templates for you based on your specialty, and you can also create your own custom ones.

Simply click on “Create document” once you’ve finished reviewing your note, and you’ll see a list of documents you can create. The document will open in a new tab so you can easily go back to your note at any time.

If you have selected a document template as your default template, when transcribing, Heidi will create 2 outputs, your specialty note, and the document you have set. This is important for assuring the quality of your document generation, as a document template relies on an existing note to run the query efficiently.

Free plan users can use 10 documents per month. Upgrade to Heidi Pro to create unlimited documents!

The document, will reference the initial note - so make sure the initial note is correct before you go to produce any downstream documentation.

📹 You can watch a tutorial video on now to use Templates here!

📣 Read more about how to use templates here!

Ask Heidi

Ask Heidi allows you to ask questions or give instructions to Heidi, to help you generate your perfect note. Think of Heidi as your intern or resident! You can Ask Heidi during the session for general information, or after you’ve finished recording to make changes to your note or generate additional content from the note.

Some examples of what you can Ask Heidi:

  • Create a referral letter for this patient

  • Create shorter handover summary

  • Remind me of the top three antidepressant medication names in Aus

  • Add billing codes

  • Divide the note into two seperate sessions for each patient seen

📹 You can watch a tutorial video on now to use Ask Heidi here!

📣 Read more about Ask Heidi here!


Clinicians don’t say everything that they’re thinking out loud. It makes it hard for medical scribes, humans or Heidi to figure out what “really” happened before, during, or after the visit.

Context allows you to add any extra context to the visit before, during or after. You might find yourself with thoughts during the visit you’d like to add to the summary, but don’t want to say out loud - that is what Context is for.

You can also add any patient history into this field to give Heidi additional context, just make sure to mention that it is patient history, and not something discussed within the session.

You’ll be able to access your Context in the tab to the left of your notes. You can write in shorthand, add thoughts, add examination findings, clarifications, symptoms, test results, reminders or action items like screening questions to considerations for specific investigations.

📹 Let our Ceo Dr Tom Kelly show you how it's done here


If you experience issues with Heidi, the quickest way to get help is to grab the ID for the session you are experiencing issues with and sharing it with our team to review the backend errors that occurred.
On all devices, to find your Session ID head to the ... ellipses menu and select "Copy Session ID"

You can reach out to our Support Team by opening Help in the app, or chatting to the Widget on our webpage. You can also reach us via email at

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