This Physio from Queensland, Australia, Writes Notes While Providing Hands-On Treatment, Using Heidi’s SOAP Template

Physiotherapist, Gil Jelin, would regularly stay late at the clinic to complete her daily case notes. But, Heidi empowered Gil to banish after-hours work entirely—achieving a level of work-life balance she never thought was possible.
With Heidi’s AI medical scribe now being used in 50+ countries, we’re interviewing users to provide real-world examples of how our ground-breaking technology is changing the lives of healthcare clinicians for the better.
One of our recent interviews was with Gil Jelin, a physiotherapist working in a solo private practice in Queensland, Australia.
In the interview, Gil explains how she uses Heidi’s AI medical scribe and SOAP notes templates, allowing her to get the majority of her documentation completed while providing hands-on treatment.
For Gil, a busy mother of two young children, the changes this has brought to both her personal and work life have been tremendous.
Gil would regularly have a large pile of notes to write at the end of each day. Considering her clinical appointments often ran overtime, she usually had no option other than to stay at the clinic late, doing her notes to ensure she was prepared for the next day.
But with Heidi—everything changed.
Gil now uses Heidi’s AI medical scribe and SOAP notes templates to record and collate information during appointments. Then, she clicks ‘generate,’ and after a quick review, the note is ready to go into the patient’s medical record.
This means Gil now only spends a small amount of time consolidating her documentation at the end of each day. The result is that she now gets home to her kids on time, every day.
To learn more—including how Heidi has improved the quality of Gil’s documentation and eased her stress around spelling and grammar (English is Gil’s second language)—keep reading for the key points from our interview.
The Tool You Never Knew You Needed
The interview opens with an interesting statement from Gil. One that no doubt resonates with many busy clinicians, who rarely have the time to come up for air and consider new ways of working.
When asked if she has always wanted a transcription or dictation tool for notes, Gil replies, “I didn’t even think about it. To be honest, it didn’t occur to me at all.”
For healthcare clinicians, this story is all too familiar.
We spend weeks, months, even years, just trying to keep up with the mountain of tasks each day.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, delivering high-quality clinical care takes a lot of single-minded focus and dedication.
However, that level of focus can come at the expense of not recognising new opportunities to use technology to make your workflow more efficient.
An AI Medical Scribe for All Clinicians
At Heidi, our mission is to empower clinicians of all types to spend less time on administration.
This benefits patients, by giving doctors and allied health professionals more time to spend on delivering care. Plus, it enables clinicians to regain control over their work lives, taming the documentation nightmare so they can get home on time and achieve a better work-life balance.
Heid has various use cases for physios and allied health professionals, such as:
- Generating notes tailored to your preferred structure, such as SOAP, DART or a custom template
- Seamlessly formatting and transferring notes into medical records software (such as WebPT, Cliniko or TheraOffice)
- Creating referrals to specialists and other healthcare professionals in seconds
- Translating treatment plans and notes into your patient’s preferred language
How to Use Heidi
Using Heidi’s medical scribe feature is weirdly simple.
All you need to do is press ‘Record’ at the start of your visit. Once the video is done, just press ‘Generate,’ and you can watch as Heidi writes your perfect note (in line with any customisations or templates you have set up).
For Gil, who spends a lot of her clinical appointments providing hands-on treatment, Heidi allows her to focus 100% on the patient, comfortable in the knowledge that her notes are being written while she delivers hands-on care.
You can see Gil describing how she uses Heidi below.
Time-Saving Templates
When asked about her favourite feature with Heidi, Gil stated, “Definitely the SOAP templates.”
Templates are a feature that lets you customise Heidi’s AI medical scribe by specifying the format in which you would like notes generated.
“I feel very lucky because it does make my work so much easier,” explains Gil.
“I can ramble and mumble. But eventually, when it comes out, Heidi takes what I’ve said and puts it where it should go.”
Perhaps what Gil was most impressed with, is that even information that’s out of sequence with the SOAP format during the interview still ends up being placed in the right spot.

The Difference Between AI and Dictation
We mentioned this same point in a previous interview with a Psychiatrist Who Reduced His Work Day by 2 Hours Using Heidi—but it bears repeating.
The difference between Heidi and dictation or transcription software is that with Heidi, the end result is a note that’s 90% (or more) ready to go into a medical record.
Dictation can give you a record of a patient interview. However, Heidi generates a formatted case note organised to your exact specifications. Then, all you need to do is review it, make any required adjustments and add it to the file.
That’s how Gil was able to eliminate all of her after-hours documentation within only 2 weeks of using Heidi.
“It’s very simple,” she explains. “As soon as I finish work, I just quickly do the notes via Heidi for all the clients of the day. I actually don’t need to do anything after hours.”
Supporting Clinicians with English as a Second Language
A somewhat unexpected benefit Gil noticed since using Heidi, is that her notes no longer consume such a large amount of mental energy each day.
“As you can probably hear,” laughs Gil (commenting on her accent), “English is not my first language.”
“Using English as a second language makes typing and communication in general a bit slower,” she states. “Then grammar and writing and organising—that takes a little bit more energy.”
Gil details how with Heidi, “I just speak it out. It doesn’t have to be organised. It doesn’t have to be super clear. It just writes everything without grammar [mistakes], typos and all that stuff.”
In the clip below, Gil explains how Heidi helps her save her energy for clinical care, rather than worrying about grammar and fixing typos.
Giving You More Time for Life
The unique pressures of working in healthcare result in clinicians experiencing higher rates of emotional and mental health challenges than the general population.
To stay healthy and well, we’re often advised to employ self-care strategies like:
- Not taking work home
- Demanding a good work-life balance
- Making relationships a priority
- Spending time with family and friends
Easier said than done, right?
We all know that when push comes to shove, it's not always feasible to take time out from work if essential tasks aren’t completed (like writing notes).
However, for Gil, Heidi finally gave her the space to get all her work completed and prioritise self care.
“I can finish working earlier,” she explains. “I would normally finish things after my kids are in bed and my head is clear. But I don’t need to do that anymore.”
The Future of Physiotherapy Documentation
Toward the end of the interview, Gil is asked whether she thinks a product like Heidi is the future for how physios go about doing their consults and writing notes.
“Yes, I do,” she replies. “For anyone who is struggling with back-to-back clients, for sure, this is a better option.”
“People were asking me if there is a risk,” states Gil. “But I honestly don’t see what would be the risks.”
“I don’t see any way that [Heidi] could harm my clients or my integrity as a physio,” she continues. “Because the notes are perfect. Better than I would do them probably. And there’s no private details that anyone could hack anything from.”
Finally, while she does check every note before filing it in a patient’s medical, Gil says that she is yet to see Heidi make an error.
“I feel lucky because it does make my work so much easier,” she explains. “It just fits in perfectly and is very simple.”
Heidi is currently free to try for all clinicians, all over the world.
Sign up today to see how our AI medical scribe can transform your practice.
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