Heidi Gradient


New updates and improvements to Heidi.

Template Community

Templates are blueprints that Heidi uses to define your preferred structure and style for notes and documents, so that they sound just like you.  

So far, outside of Teams, template creation has been a solo activity. But now, with the release of the Template Community, you can interact with fellow clinicians from around the world to share, use, and improve field-tested Heidi templates.

Grab ‘n’ go templates

We’ve heard for a long time that it takes a little massaging and fine-tuning to get your templates to work exactly as you want them to. What if, instead, you could grab a working template from another user? A grab ‘n’ go, if you will.

Instead of creating a template from scratch, you can now access a public library of specialty-appropriate templates that have been created by other clinicians using Heidi.

We think it works for everybody:

  1. If you’re a new Heidi user, skip the initial learning curve and pick up a template.
  2. If you want to create your own template, but not from scratch, fine-tune a Community template.
  3. If you’re an experienced Heidi user, tattoo your name on your most powerful templates and receive the quiet admiration of your colleagues (we see you Dr. David Canes).

You can use Community templates for as long as you like. You are also welcome to save and modify your own copy to suit your exact practice needs and preferences.

Share template love with the Community

If you’ve created a template you are particularly proud of, you may upload it to the Community. Love makes the world go ‘round.

Template creators' names are listed on uploaded templates, along with how many times each template has been used.

Using Community templates 

To browse Community templates, click Community in your sidebar.

In the Template Community, you can search templates based on:

  • Title
  • Creator
  • Description

Results can then be filtered and sorted by: 

  • Specialty
  • Region
  • Category
  • Popularity
  • Recency

Once you find the custom template that works for you, click into the template, then press Use template to add it to your personal library. You can now edit the template (if desired) and add it to your Favorites.

Please see our Help Centre article on Getting started with Community templates for more detailed instructions.

New sidebar

The old sidebar has been on our kill list for a while. You’ll find it is now far easier to navigate to key pages, find past sessions, and access customer support. 

We’ve also pulled upcoming sessions from your active EHR integrations into a unified, tabbed Sessions view.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Individual users and organizations now have the option of enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) on Heidi.

MFA enhances the security of your Heidi account by requiring an additional verification step beyond your password (such as a verification code sent via email).

You can check and adjust your MFA settings in Account.

Dr. Mohamed Ismail
Dr. Mohamed Ismail
Senior Product Manager