Insight calculator

Calculate Heidi’s benefits

Change calculations below to suit your practice
Number of patients per week *
Time to fill in note per patient (mins) *
Effective hourly wage *
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Change calculations below to suit your practice
What's the avg weekly patient count per provider? *
Time to fill in note per patient (mins) *
What is your clinicians time worth? *
How big is your team? *
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Calculation results
Time saved on notes per week
Clinical cost saved per year (GBP)
Results are estimates and may differ slightly.

Heidi in practice

Doctors image

Advanced Urology decreased admin time by 60% with Heidi

Weekly sessions
saved per week
83 Hrs
saved per week

Heidi’s solutions

Group-wide documentation standards
Notes finished by the time patient leaves room
Reduction in spend on human medical scribes
Same-week note closure for better RCM

Client Kudos and Cheers

50k+ clinicians are using Heidi
Dr. Lawrence Kosova, DPM

I am keeping Heidi as my go to for my office clinical notes… As a surgeon, I need products that work. The rest out there are toys.

Dr. Lawrence Kosova, DPM
Podiatrist @ Family Podiatry Center
Diana Sugiuchi, RDN

Practitioners feel like they have their whole day back, have a lot more time and feel less rushed.

Diana Sugiuchi, RDN
Owner and Founder of Nourish Family Nutrition & Therapy
Trusted by clinicians and healthcare staff in 50+ countries